Creating a new sensation

ESN member Campden BRI is offering a new and exciting seminar: Creating a new sensation: consumer engagement in the health and wellness food and beverage sectoris (10th October 2014).

30 July 2014

There is a growing demand from both government and consumers for food and drink products that support a healthy lifestyle. Trends for ‘healthier’ products are focusing on reformulation initiatives (e.g. low or reduced fat, salt, and sugar), promoting ‘naturally healthy’ products, and health and nutrition claims.

However, improved health benefits often come with a trade-off on the food sensory experience, or at least an expectation that eating enjoyment will be diminished.

Campden BRI’s seminar Creating a new sensation: consumer engagement in the health and wellness food and beverage sectoris (see, which takes place on 10th October, is designed to give an insight into how to enhance consumers’ sense of taste and flavour by utilizing extrinsic sensory cues (e.g. colour and sound) and how to convey the healthy message to engage consumers’ product experiences.

Key areas to be covered include

- Insights into opportunities and challenges in healthy food and drink NPD;
- Multisensory design to enhance consumers’ product experience;
- Neuroscience inspired multisensory packaging and branding;

For further information on the seminar, please contact Daphne Llewellyn-Davies +44(0)1386 842040 Opens window for sending

Photo:© pieropoma -