Campden BRI Hungary (CBHU)

Organisation form: association

Focus on: food

Major activities: education, training, consulting, sensory and consumer research, food safety management


Campden BRI Hungary is an industry-focused independent food technology and information centre based in Budapest. It provides a wide range of expertise and research and development services for food and drink industry. The institute is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Campden BRI in the UK.

Campden BRI Hungary has an experienced staff that works intensively with the Hungarian food industry. The research and development activities in sensory and consumer sciences are being received on-going technical support and guidance from Campden BRI sensory and consumer department. This combination of technical support and experience facilitates a wide range of services, which include market-oriented product development, food safety and quality monitoring, consumer research, and sensory evaluation. Client companies are major retailers, trade, and manufacturing manufacturers.

Campden BRI Hungary sensory activities concentrate mainly on new product development and/or quality control. These activities include discriminative eg. triangle, paired comparison, descriptive profiling and acceptance tests, along with product quality benchmarking and monitoring using tailored specifications. Campden BRI Hungary also has experience in monitoring the uniformity of the sensory properties of private label products of the retailers.

The institute has a sensory laboratory equipped with a state-of-the-art computer network for running sensory tests. Basic and advanced level training courses on sensory assessment and product development are provided.

More information


Adrienn Hegyi
Campden BRI Hungary
("Campden BRI Magyarország" Nonprofit Kft.)
Haller u. 2
1096 Budapest