Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research

Organisational form: private

Focus on: consumer aspects of food and non food

Major activities: consumer understanding studies; real life settings; sensory analysis; situation simulation/VR; physiological measurements; research & consulting


Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research (WFBR) is one of world’s leading research institutes in its area. WFBR carries out applied scientific research and focuses strongly on solutions for business and policy. Our Consumer Understanding group covers many areas such as food choice, eating behavior, and consumer psychology. Our experimental facilities allow for a broad range of behavioural and perception studies. Our sensory lab has 16 computerised taste booths, and we are also equipped to perform studies in real-life settings. We have capabilities for recruitment of specific consumer segments among which panels consisting of older consumers or of children. In cooperation with our diverse professional contacts we are able to perform world-wide research.


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Betina Piqueras Fiszman
Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research
P.O. Box 17
6700 AA Wageningen
the Netherlands

E-Mail: betina.piquerasfiszman@remove-this.wur.nl