Nofima pre-announces eleven PhD positions
Nofima (Norway) is leading a new EU fellow program (ITN-Marie Curie), Edulia, to explore new approaches to promote children healthy eating. Edulia's main objective will be the creation of a highly skilled EU workforce. From a scientific perspective, Edulia will move away from the classic approach of "teaching children what is healthy" to find new ways to drive children to like and actively choose healthy foods, and to develop long-term healthier diets.
Facts about the program: The program is part of the Marie Curie Training Network, funded by the EU through Horizon 2020. Participants in the program are internationally recognized environments. Mobility is encouraged, internationally and cross-disciplinary, so all fellows will have stays in other research institutions and non-academic environments.
Research partners: Nofima (Norway), INRA (France), Institute Paul Bocuse Research Center (France), University of Florence (Italy), Wageningen University (Netherlands), University of Aarhus (Denmark), Universidad de la República (Uruguay) and Cornell University (USA).
Non-academic partners: Norwegian Institute of Public Health and Tine (Norway), Arla Foods (Denmark), Samontana (Italy), Elior and Diana Naturals (France), Netherlands Nutrition Centre Foundation, Food & Biobased Research (Netherlands), (National Food Institute (Instituto Nacional de Alimentación, Uruguay).
Positions will be announced in March 2018. For any question please contact the project Coordinator, Dr. Paula Varela (Nofima, Norway): paula.varela.tomasco@ or Dr. Valerie Lengard Almli (Nofima, Norway):