Project aiming to increase children’s vegetable intake
We (CSIRO’s Sensory, Flavour and Consumer team, led by Astrid Poelman) are currently working on a four year project aiming to increase children’s vegetable intake. In this project we want to develop and evaluate some new product concepts that are attractive to children and contain vegetables. For this purpose we conducted market research in the Australian food landscape to see what products are out there already.
However, we would also like to broaden our horizon and know what innovations may be around in Europe (or other places in the world). That’s where you come in; we would like to ask you if you know of any innovative products fitting the description below, and if you could send us a picture of the package (front and back with readable nutritional information)?
If you can let us know why it is innovative that would be great and any other information that you have on this product (like if it is really successful in the market or a clever campaign, high vegetable content with good taste). Description of products we are looking for: Fresh vegetables or processed foods with vegetables, aimed at children or infants (packaging is clearly designed to be attractive to children, product comes in attractive shapes and colours, or products are sold in the baby/infant food aisle in shops, or in lunchbox aisles.)
We excluded potatoes, and legumes or pulses (e.g. white and brown beans, lentils, chick peas) as vegetables. All other types of vegetables are included. If you have any products you would like to share with us, please do so before the 18th of February (use my email address mentioned below), and if you require any more information please feel free to get in touch. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards,
Janne Beelen and Astrid Poelman
Janne Beelen, PhD Sensory and Consumer Researcher CSIRO Agriculture and Food Janne.Beelen[@]