The next ESN workshop & meeting is coming up
The tables of many of our participants now look like this one, scattered with papers and publications. ESN members are getting ready for a workshop on implicit methods, for discussions about well-being, immersive methods, texture, and of course, plans for future experiments. Our research manager, Jean A McEwan, wrote such a concise text about the purpose and content of our upcoming ESN workshop on implicit methods that I didn´t want to keep it from you.
ESN Implicit Methods Workshop: Uncovering Hidden Depths
Implicit Methods is the latest ESN workshop, providing the opportunity to immerse ourselves in an exciting area encompassing the fields of psychology and social psychology. The purpose of our Workshop is to explore current thinking and future opportunities for Implicit Methods, with emphasis on how different tools can be applied and add value compared to traditional explicit tools.
We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. Adriaan Spruyt from Ghent University and founder of Adriaan brings a wealth of knowledge from Experimental, Social and Clinical Psychology focussing on the study of implicit processes and their influence on behaviour. He has been working with and developing implicit tools himself and offers the opportunity to understand and critically discuss them. We are also delighted that Dr. Alexandra Kraus from isi has accepted our invitation to discuss food related research involving implicit methods, both from her own review and pulling together key findings from the literature review undertaken by ESN volunteers.
Experienced team workers. ESN members discuss data during the last ESN meeting 2017 in Berlin.
We are looking forward to hearing short presentations from ESN members and industry partners, sharing their experiences with Implicit Methods and providing opinions about what is working well and not so well. We will challenge ourselves to identify gaps in our knowledge and seek to find opportunities where ESN can contribute and make a difference to this field.
There will be the opportunity to try out some of the implicit tools during the demonstration session and understand how the experience feels for the respondents. The journey towards this workshop has involved contributions from many people in ESN, some of whom will be involved in the various sessions throughout the day.We anticipate active involvement from everyone and many lively discussions, which will surely continue over dinner!
We are most grateful to Hannelize van Zyl and the team at Heineken for providing an excellent venue.
Organising Team
Valerie Lengard-Almli, Nofima, Sophie Raviot-Derrien, Coty, Jean A McEwan, ESN Research Manager, with support from Alexandra Kraus, isi and Klaus Duerrschmid, BOKU Vienna
Invited Speakers
Adriaan Spruyt, Ghent University, Belgium, Alexandra Kraus, isi, Germany
ESN Speakers
Christelle Porcherot-Lasalette, Firmenich, Garmt Dijksterhuis, WUR, Klaus Dürschmid, BOKU, Vienna Marleen Chambault, Campden BRI, Martijn Veltkamp, Friesland Campina, Marta Arroyo, P&G, Penny Bergman, RISE, Tracey Hollowood, Sensory Dimensions