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Investigation of Hedonic Scaling Techniques
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Issues in children's food choices: methods for sensory and consumer research
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Jakosc sensoryczna rynkowych sokow jablkowych i pomaranczowych ( Sensory quality of apple and orange juice)
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Jakosc zdrowotna wybranych warzyw ekologicznych. Cz. IV. Charakterystyka jakosci sensorycznej (Nutritional quality of selected ecologically grown vegetables Part IV. Sensory quality)
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Kuluttajaryhmät keskustelivat perinteisistä ja uusista elintarvikkeista (Consumer groups discussed about traditional and novel foods)
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Kuluttajien mielipide ratkaisee uuden tuotteen menestyksen (The success of a new product is based on the opinion of consumers)
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L’évaluation hédonique des aliments. (Hedonic evaluation of foods)
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La cartographie despréférences incomplètes. Validation par simulation
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La part de la viande dans les apports protéiques de sujets âgés vivant à domicile
La qualità percepita dei prodotti ittici. (Perceived quality of fish)
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La qualità percepita nei confronti della pasta biologica: un caso studio (Perceived quality of organic pasta: a case study)
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La viande d’émeu (Dromaius novaehollandiae). (Emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae)
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Laboratorium sensoryczne nowej generacji – skomputeryzowane systemy w analizie sensorycznej (New generation sensory laboratory – computerised systems in sensory analysis)
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Lactic acid fermentation of fresh and stored carrot : chemical, microbial and sensory evaluation of products
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Lateralization in olfaction- affection and cognition
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Le profil sensoriel : les limites d'un savoir-faire empirique
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Le Profil sensoriel : un outil au service du marketing.
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Lebensmittel als Kommunikationsmittel - Die semiotische Lebensmittelqualität / Food as a means of Communication - The semiotic Quality of Food
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Liking and exposure: First, second and tenth time around
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Linee Guida Internazionali per il controllo del rendimento dei laboratori in analisi sensoriale (Proficiency testing in sensory analysis: international guidelines)
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Lipid oxidation in fillets of herring (Clupea harengus) during ice storage
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Longitudinal study of taste identification of sensory panellists: Effect of ageing, experience and exposure
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Low-fat mayonnaise : influences of fat content, aroma compounds and thickeners
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Makujen tuska ja nautinto (Pain and pleasure of tastes)
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Mass-Spectrometry Based Characterisation of Infant Whole Saliva Peptidome.
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Masticatory jaw movement recordings : a new method to investigate food texture
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Maturation de la viande bovine: Evaluation par des méthodes mécaniques et sensorielles et par des consommateurs. (Ageing of beef: evaluation by mechanical, sensory and consumer methods.)
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Measurement of volatile oxidation products from milk using solvent-assisted flavour evaporation and solid phase microextraction
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Measurements of consumer attitudes
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Measuring and predicting the perceived quality of music and speech subjected to combined linear and nonlinear distortion
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Measuring food liking in children: a comparison of non verbal methods
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Measuring validity in sensory analysis
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Meat quality and composition of three muscles from French cull cows and young bulls
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Meat quality of "label fermier" chicken in relation to production factors
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Meat quality traits in emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
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Meat quality traits in the emu (dromaius novaehollandiae) as affected by muscle type and animal age
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Meat texture assessment by rheology, sensory analysis and electromyography (EMG)
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Meat Texture Characterisation: Comparison of chewing patterns, sensory and mechanical measures
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Meat texture of commercial lambs from different European production systems
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Mechanical properties and sensory evaluation of selected apple cultivars
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Memory for food and food expectations: A special case?
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Memory of sweetness and fatty flavours: Effects of gender and liking
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Mieux connaître le goût des aliments. Que peut-on attendre de l’analyse sensorielle ? (Understanding food tastes. What do we expect from sensory analysis?)
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Migration of model contaminants from PET bottles: influence of temperature, food stimulant and functional barrier
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Mikä tekee ruisleivästä ruisleivän? (Factors influencing rye bread identity)
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Mikroaaltouunikuumennukseen soveltuvat pakkaukset (Packagings suitable for microwave oven heating
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Milk proteins affect yield and sensory quality of cooked sausages
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Milk quality analysed by electronic nose and sensory profiling
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Milling fractionation of rye produces different sensory profiles of both flour and bread.
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