Recent publications:

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The relationship between chewing activity and food bolus properties obtained from different meat textures

MIOCHE L, BOURDIOL P, MONIER S, MARTIN J F (2002) (Food Qual Prefer) Volume 13, 583-588.

The reliability of naive assessors in sensory evaluation visualized by pragmatical multivariate analysis

O'Sullivan M G, Martens H, Boberg Baech S, Kristensen L, Martens M (2002) (Journal of Food Quality) Volume 25, 395-408.

The role of “collative properties” in the development of preference during exposure to an orange drink

Lévy C M, MacRae A, Köster E P (2002) (Appetite) Volume 39, 246.

Understanding consumer perceptions of fermented yoghurt products using Conjoint and Generalised Procrustes Analysis

Saba A, Rosati S (2002) (Italian Journal of Food Science) Volume 4 (Issue 14), 339-350.

Use of IdeaMap.NETTM - factors influencing consumer interest in white sliced bread

CCFRA (2002) (R&D Report) Volume 154.

Use of physio-chemical methods for assessment of sensory changes in carrot texture and sweetness during cooking

De Belie N, Laustsen A M, Martens M, Bro R, De Baedemaeker J (2002) (Journal of Texture Studies) Volume 33, 367-388.

Just noticeable taste differences in perception and memory

Köster MA, Prescott J, Köster EP (2002) (Abstracts of the 10th Food choice Conference in Wageningen, the Netherlands Appetite, 39, 244).

Incidental memory for different aspects of food texture

Mojet J, Köster EP (2002) (Poster presented at the 4th Pangborn Symposium in Dijon (publication in preparation)).

Importance of sensory analysis in international trade

Barylko Pikielna N, Lamparski G (2002) (European Sensory Network (E.S.N.) Seminar "Using sensory analysis in food product development and quality control", 21-22 Nov.2002, Budapest, Hungary).

Effects of increased hardness on jaw movement and muscle activity during chewing of visco-elastic model foods

Peyron M A, Lassauzay C, Woda A (2002) (Accepté pour publication dans Experimental Brain Research, 2002).

Effect of the selected technical parameters of chopping process on sensory properties of texture of model meat product (Polish)

Makała H, Dolata W, Kostyra E (2002) (Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences; 11(1), 55-60 ).

Consumer preferences of pork chops: An international cross-cultural comparison

Ngapo T M, Martin, J-F, Dransfield E (2002) (48th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Rome, Italy. p. 150).

Analyse sensorielle. Validation des méthodes

Nicod H (2002) (Contrôles, essais, mesures, Octobre).

Odor memory: incidental vs intentional learning, implicit vs explicit memory

Issanchou S, Valentin D, Sulmont C, Degel J, Köster EP (2002) (Dubois D, Rouby C, Schaal B (eds): Odor and Cognition, pp 211-230, Cambridge University Press, USA).

Pork flavour: Sensory profiling of pork in Sweden and Denmark using the same methodology

Agerhem H, Bejerholm C, Claudi-Magnussen (2002) (48th ICoMST).

Quality management of stored fish

Martinsdóttir E (2002) (in "Safety and quality issues in fish processing, Bremner A (ed.) Woodhead Publishing Ltd.. 303-313. ).

Testing odor memory: incidental versus intentional learning, implicit versus explicit memory.

Issanchou S, Valentin D, Sulmont C, Degel J, Köster EP (2002) (Olfaction, taste, and cognition (Rouby, C., Schaal, B., Dubois, D., Gervais, R. and Holley, A.), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 211-230).

The influence of fat content on sensory properties and consumer perception of dairy products

Frøst M B (2002) (PhD Thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Centre for Advanced Food Studies, Department of Dairy and Food Science).

The specific characteristics of the sense of smell

Köster EP (2002) (Dubois D, Rouby C, Schaal B (eds): Odor and Cognition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, USA, 27-43 ).

Wykorzystanie nasion rzepaku do produkcji kielkow jadalnych ( The use of rapeseeds for sprouts production in human nutrition)

Kozlowska H, Troszynska A, Zielinski H, Bucinski A, Lamparski G (2002) (Rosliny Oleiste (Oilseed Crops), Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roslin (Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute), TomXXIII - Zeszyt 1, 165-173 (in Polish)).

Computers and the Internet in sensory quality control

Chris Findlay (2002) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 13, 423 - 428. doi:10.1016/S0950-3293(02)00016-2

Approach to Setting Occupational Exposure Limits for Sensory Irritants in the Netherlands

V.J. Feron, J.H.E. Arts, J. Mojet (2001) (AIHAJ - American Industrial Hygiene Association) Volume 62, 733 - 735. doi:10.1080/15298660108984683

Taste Perception with Age: Generic or Specific Losses in Threshold Sensitivity to the Five Basic Tastes?

J. Mojet (2001) (Chemical Senses) Volume 26, 845 - 860. doi:10.1093/chemse/26.7.845

Analisi sensoriale del burro: risultati di uno studio internazionale (Sensory analysis of butter: results of an international study)

Sinesio F, Moneta E, Catone T (2001) (Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero-Casearia) Volume 52 (Issue 1), 29-48.

An effective hedonic analysis tool : weak/strong points

ROUSSET S, MARTIN J F (2001) (J Sens Stud) Volume 16, 619-641.

Acceptability of genetically modified cheese presented as real product alternative

Lähteenmäki L, Grunert K, Åström A, Ueland Ø, Arvola A, Bech-Larsen T (2001) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 15, 805-818.

Adaptation de la mastication aux propriétés mécaniques des aliments

PEYRON M A, WODA A (2001).

Analysis of designed experiments by stabilised PLS Regression and jack-knifing

Martens H, Høy M, Westad F, Folkenberg D, Martens M (2001) (Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems) Volume 58, 151-70.

Apple or mushroom - sensory impact of 1-octen-3-one in an apple odour mixture

Bredie W L P, Ivanova D, Møller P, Petersen M A (2001) (Food Processing Industry Magazine) Volume 10, 5-6.

Are weak odors stronger than strong odors? The influence of odor on human performance

Köster EP, Degel J (2001) (Aroma-Chology) Volume 9 (Issue 2), 9-11.

Consuemr perceptions of food products involving genetic modification - results from a qualitative study in four Nordic countries

Grunert K G, Lätheenmäki L, NIelsen N A, Poulsen J B, Ueland O, Aström A (2001) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 12, 527-542.

Consumer Issues: Consumer awareness of and attitudes towards organic food

CCFRA (2001) (CCFRA Report) Volume 149.

Consumer Issues: Consumer awareness of and attitudes towards genetic modification

CCFRA (2001) (CCFRA Report) Volume 142.

Consumer perceptions of food products involving genetic modification - results from a qualitative study in four Nordic countries

Grunert K G, Lähteenmäki L, Nielsen N A, Poulsen J B, Ueland O, Ålström A (2001) (Food Quality and Preference ) Volume 12, 527-542.

Cytochrome oxidase activity in the olfactory system of staggerer mutant mice

DEISS V, STRAZIELLE C, LALONDE R (2001) (Brain Res) Volume 910, 126-133.

Dynamic analysis of sensory and microstructural properties of cream cheese

Wendin K, Langton M, Caous L, Hall G (2001) (Food Chemistry) Volume 71, 363-378 .

Effect of drying treatment conditions on the sensory profile of germinated oat

Heiniö R L, Oksman-Caldentey K M, Latva-Kala K, Poutanen K (2001) (Cereal Chemistry) Volume 78 (Issue 6), 707-714.

Effect of heat-treatment conditions of germinated oat on its sensory profile

Heiniö R-L, Oksman-Caldenty K-M, Latva-Kala K, Lehtinen P, Poutanen K (2001) (Cereal Chemistry) Volume submitted.

Elektroninen nenä haistaa pakkauksen. (Elecronic nose smells the packaging)

Heiniö RL (2001) (Kehittyvä Elintarvike) Volume 4, 32-33.

Food choice and the elderly: European qualitative research summary

Newsholme HC, McEwan JA (2001) (CCFRA R&D Report) Volume 145.

Food choice and the elderly: UK qualitative research

Valendru AC, McEwan JA (2001) (CCFRA R&D Report) Volume 124.

Functional lateralisation in human olfactory cortex: pleasant and unpleasant odours?

Møller P, Stødkilde-Jørgensen H, Martens M (2001) (NeuroImage) Volume 13, 912.

Implicit learning and implicit memory for odors: The influence of odor identification and retention time

Degel J, Piper D, Köster EP (2001) (Chemical Senses) Volume 26, 267-280.

Influences of fat, thickener and emulsifier contents on salad dressing: static and dynamic sensory and rheological analysis

Wendin K, Hall G (2001) (Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft+Technologie) Volume 34, 222-233 .

Inhibition of growth of nonproteolytic Clostridium Botulinum type B in sous vide cooked meat products is achieved by using thermal procecessing but not nisin

Lindström M, Mokkila M, Skyttä E, Hyytiä-Trees E, Lähteenmäki L, Hielm S, Ahvenainen R, Korkeala H (2001) (Journal of Food Proctection) Volume 64, 838-844.

Integrating consumer needs into product quality using a quality function deployment (QFD)approach : a literature review

CCFRA (2001) (CCFRA Review) Volume 29.

Internal and external determinants of eating initiation in humans

Marcelino AS, Adam AS, Couronne T, Köster EP, Sieffermann JM (2001) (Appetite) Volume 36, 19 – 14.

La part de la viande dans les apports protéiques de sujets âgés vivant à domicile


Lateralization in olfaction- affection and cognition

Møller P, Rasmussen G, Bredie W L P, Dijksterhuis G B, Martens M (2001) (Chemical Senses) Volume 26 (Issue 785).

Linee Guida Internazionali per il controllo del rendimento dei laboratori in analisi sensoriale (Proficiency testing in sensory analysis: international guidelines)

Sinesio F (2001) (Rivista delle Technologie Alimentari) Volume 12 (Issue 1), 62-64.
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