esn educational videos

We regularily ask our members and guests about news and trends in the field of sensory and consumer science and turn their answers into videos and podcasts. For more videos, sign up for our ESN youtube channel. For our podcast sign up here.

Podcast: Enhancing mental performance through fragrance - Interview with Kathrin Ohla

Kathrin Ohla, scientist at dsm-firmenich, was skeptical when she was asked to investigate whether fragrances could enhance focus and concentration. Nevertheless, the results convinced her. Fragrances can indeed boost mental performance. In this interview, she takes us along the research process and explains how – with the right method – even more fragrances could be found that alter our mental states in a desired way.


Podcast: Chemosensory Creativity - Interview with Janice Wang

When contemplating creativity, most people envision a painting, a composition, or something else that engages the eyes and ears. This leaves out an entire realm - the world of the chemical senses. Janice Wang, an associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, is determined to change that. She explores how chemosensory creativity can be investigated and trained.

If you want to put your chemosensory creativity to a test, follow this link (just takes a few minutes).


Sensory and Consumer Research during COVID19 - Interview with Sven Henneberg (isi)

When the lockdown started, isi switched from lab to home testing. Sven Henneberg, Senior manager at isi, Göttingen (Germany) tells the story how isi managed the transfer, including the logistics and the testing of more complex products such as vegetable patties.

Sensory and Consumer Research during COVID19 - Interview with Keren Corley (New Sense)

What do you need to continue sensory and consumer research during the COVID19 pandemic? Keren Corley from ESN member New Sense, Israel, has the answers. Her resumé of 2020 so far? “I think that a year or two from now, I will be able to say that this period was the most creative ever.”

Sensory and Consumer Research during COVID19 - Interview with Ivano Caprioli (Perfetti Van Melle)

Ivano Caprioli explains how his research group adjusted to the Covid19-related measures, and then covers a wider range of issues from the change he expects to happen in society because of the pandemic to the future of work which – because of Corona – might come sooner than we thought.


Sensory and Consumer Research during COVID19 - Interview with Martin Kern (SAM international)

The COVID19 pandemic poses a challenge to sensory and consumer research: How to test food, beverages, and other products if consumers can no longer enter the test studios? Dr. Martin Kern, head of SAM international, talks about how his company has adapted to the restrictions, found new ways of consumer testing, and how he and his team has ultimately profited from the challenge.

Long version (20 min)


Short version (5 min)

Feelings & Fragrances - Interview with Christelle Porcherot (Firmenich)

Christelle Porcherot gives us an insight into how Firmenich investigates the emotional aspects of fragrances to make sure that their products meet the high expectations of the customers. In the second half of the video, Christelle talks about implicit measurements of emotions and gives examples of how the questionnaires’ results can help Firmenich product designers develop better products.

ESN Sustainability Series

How sensory and consumer science can help to find more sustainable packaging

The European YPACK project develops a biodegradable plastic from cheese whey and almond shells. Betina Piqueras Fiszman from ESN member Wageningen University talks about the project and explains how sensory and consumer science can help to find a packaging that the consumer understands and accepts.


The art and science of storytelling

How do you turn data into stories? To deepen our understanding of storytelling, we invited Dr. Sam Knowles to give a keynote talk at one of our our ESN meetings. Dr. Knowles is the author of the book “Narrative by Numbers: How to Tell Powerful & Purposeful Stories with Data” and has a background in science, literature, consulting, and consumer research.

The future of sensory

“In the end, sensory science is about improving happiness”, says Alexandre Bergamo, director of the Brazilian-based sensory research company Sensenova. In this interview, he lets us in on his ideas why sensory science and sensory research are far from reaching their potential. He points to the need to communicate the benefits of sensory research to those outside the research world, and asks how business leaders could learn about the benefits of sensory science.


With Portuguese subtitles

The ESN immersive project

ESN has conducted a study to evaluate the role of virtual and immersive reality in sensory testing. The results show that preferences in the lab do not necessarily translate to the real or virtual world. The upshot: Immersive contexts can be meaningfully integrated into sensory testing. They afford reliable and economical substitutes and additions to real-life testing. (uploaded May 2019, based on a publication in Food Quality and Preference)

Feeling good - first results from the ESN research programme
A study spanning five continents shows that people the world over associate food and feeling good with ’tastes good’. However, when they think about the future, health and nutrition gain in salience. (uploaded March 2019).

Novel consumer methods for product characterization
Marleen Chambault, Campden BRI, talks about “Novel consumer methods for product characterization”. This is a condensed version from her talk at EuroSense2018. (uploaded February 2019).

The Cereal Bar Pilot

Keren Corley from New Sense talks about a pilot study, the cereal bar pilot - a comparison between different tasting environments (CLT, HUT, VR). (uploaded February 2019)

A new take on texture: Food oral processing
Markus Stieger talks about his research on food oral processing: What is food oral processing? Which methods are used to investigate it? What do the results mean for consumers, research and industry? How can it help people to eat healthier? (October 2018)

An integrative approach
Patricia Silva talks about her latest project: sensory and emotional profiling of wine, beer, and non-alcoholoc beer. A collaboration of Wageningen University and Catholic University of Portugal. (August 2018)

ESN shorts: Trends in Sensory
Ludovic Depoortere talks about an important trend in sensory research: plant-based food. (September 2018)

The magic water test
Valerie Lengard Almli taks about a new method to measure the sense of taste in small children. (May 2018)

Virtual reality and sensory science: the beach study
Alexandra Kraus talks about the study: Desires for beverages and liking of skin care product odors in imaginative and immersive virtual reality beach contexts. (February 2018)

Sensory has changed a lot in the last five years
Maurice O´Sullivan about talks about his new book “A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer-Driven New Product Development”. (December 2017)

Tell me what you feel and I tell you what you like
A new test, the ConsumerFacetsTM, differentiates the psychological dispositions of consumers. Lise Dreyfuss explains how the test works. (May 2017)

Up in the air

Nancy Holthuysen and her team investigated how to choose the meal best suitable to be served in an airplane. (March 2017)

The future is mobile

Ludovic Depoortere talks about the role of mobile and virtual reality devices for sensory and consumer research. (December 2016)

What do consumers really want?

Klaus Dürrschmid gives an inside view into his research on implicit measurements of food choice. (October 2016)

Sensory science in the developing world

Interview with Riette de Kock on food safety, sorghum and how sensory science can help people to eat healthy. (May 2016)

The sense of smell and taste in the aging

Claire Sulmont-Rossé’s talks about her latest research on the sense of smell and taste in the elderly. (September 2015)

Smells are not things

Ep Köster, cofounder of the European Sensory Network talks about his new theory of odor perception. (May 2015)

When our videographer says "rolling", our members stay cool.