Keep up to date with what is happening in the sensory world of our members, partners, and the ESN network.
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the European Sensory Network. What began as a modest meeting in a living room with a small group of dedicated sensory and consumer scientists has grown into a vibrant international community.
We spoke with Kate Binner of Blue Yonder about their decision to join ESN and the innovative tools they use to capture real-time consumer reactions.
We are excited to announce the launch of our podcast dedicated to all things sensory! From smell and taste to methodology and philosophy, we provide in-depth coverage of the sensory world.
In an increasing number of domains, game-based learning is gaining traction. Could a more active approach to discussing a topic also be beneficial for focus groups in sensory & consumer research?
The research "Screening respondents to increase data quality in consumer tests" just has been published in FQP.
What are the attitudes of sensory experts towards digitalization? Download our report.
Talks, workshops & culinary delights. Watch a short overview of the Pangborn Symposium in Nantes.
ESN is delighted to host a cocktail event for early career professionals at the 2023 Pangborn Symposium in Nantes. Sign up now!
Want to know what sustainability means for consumers? These and other questions answers a new review.
A short slide show shows the highlights of the sensory and consumer conference in Turku, Finland.
An ESN-funded study finds an advantage of home testing compared to lab testing.
We are glad to announce the addition of a new member to the European Sensory Network, the Örebrö University of Sweden.
We are extremely excited. We just invited all our members and partners for the first face-to-face ESN meeting since 2019.
Peeking through the door at a meeting room at the Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge in Dublin, you would have seen a group of ...
Ivano Caprioli (Sensory Manager at Perfetti Van Melle) talks about how his group adapted their research to the COVID19-related restrictions.
How the analysis of emotions elicited by odours help to design better products. Interview with Christelle Porcherot, Principal Scientist at Corporate R&D Division at ESN partner Firmenich.
The COVID19 pandemic poses a challenge to sensory and consumer research: How to test food, beverages, and other products if consumers can no longer enter the test studios? n
A texture-liking-intake study from ESN researchers demonstrates that textural changes in a food product may lead to different reactions among consumers.
Background music can influence food choice. But does it also influence our subconscious behavior towards food?
Betina Piqueras Fiszman talks about the role of consumer science in developing sustainable packaging.
Improve your storytelling skills with the help of this ESN keynote talk by Sam Knowles, author of "Narrative by Numbers".
A summary in tweets and comments from the first virtual EuroSense conference.
In line with the motto of the upcoming Pangborn Symposium - Engage with the Future - we asked Alexandre Bergamo (from ESN member Sensenova, Brazil) how he envisions the future of sensory.
This will be a premiere! The European Sensory Network will have a table at the 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Edinburgh. We are looking forward to meeting you there.
The ESN research teams and the ESN research manager have been extremely busy. We are proud to present our results, works in progress and new ideas at the Pangborn symposium 2019.
ESN has conducted a study to evaluate the role of virtual and immersive reality in sensory testing. The results are published in Food Quality and Preference.
The first results of the ESN research programme "Feeling good" have been published. We summarized them for you. Please choose between a text, a video and an interactive presentation.
Please participate in this survey for the next Pangborn conference.
Marleen Chambaults talks about novel consumer methods for product characterization.
Keren Corley lets us in on a new VR study she conducted at New Sense (Israel).
Our member CSIRO is asking for your input. Please read and share.
We are pleased to welcome a new member to the European Sensory Network: TFTAK from Estonia.
Pack & go: What went on at EuroSense 2018? We summed it up for you.
What are we up to at EuroSense in Verona, the conference on sensory and consumer science? Check out our list.
In a Facebook series we introduce ESN members and cast a glance at their research and work.
Valérie Lengard Almli talks about a new method to measure the sense of taste in small children.
We are looking forward to an exciting workshop and meeting in Amsterdam on the 19th and 20th of April 2018.
The EU project EDULIA is recruiting 11 Marie-Curie PhD positions on healthy eating in children.
New research from ESN member BOKU illustrates why expectation and perception don´t always match.
The new book by Tormod Næs, Paula Varela and Ingunn Berget from ESN member Nofima just has been published.
The new year has just started, and it is time to look back on 2017.
ESN has started a new series, “Raising stars in sensory science”, to promote young talents. Meet Ninett K. Andersen, Carol Mosca, Vu Thi Min Hang ...
We are glad to announce that our network is growing. We are adding four new members, and with them, we are expanding our expertise as well as the numbers of countries and sensory cultures.
Eleven PhDs from different countries will be recruited, working in research environments with internationally recognized expertise in areas such as sensory perception and consumer science.
The results of a research programme co-funded by ESN just have been published in Food Research International: TDL - a new method to understand the consumers' needs.
Maurice O´Sullivan about talks about his new book “A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer-Driven New Product Development”.
A new test, the ConsumerFacetsTM, differentiates the psychological dispositions of consumers. In an ESN video, sensory researcher Lise Dreyfuss explains how the test works and what it adds to the understanding of consumer behavior and product development.
We asked our members and partners what they had for breakfast. In response, we received pictures from all over the world.
Nancy Holthuysen (from ESN member Wageningen Food & Biobased Research) and her team investigated how to choose the meal best suitable to be served in an airplane.
A new study by Lukas Danner, European Sensory Network member Klaus Duerrschmid and colleagues shines a light on the association of certain odours with distinct age groups.
Special features could make ready-made meal packaging more attractive for older consumers; ESN members Raija-Liisa Heinioö and Stefanie Kremer found out which ones are the most important.
2016 has been an eventful year for ESN and the sensory science community. ESN has gained four new members, and we are glad to aggregate ever more knowledge and expertise.
The European Sensory Network is welcoming a new member: the Department of Food Science (AU-FOOD) at Aarhus University.
Ludovic Depoortere talks about the role of mobile and virtual reality devices for sensory and consumer research.
“We are pleased to welcome the Monell Center as a new member of the European Sensory Network”, says ESN chair Claire Sulmont-Rossé.
Klaus Dürrschmid gives an inside view into his research on implicit measurements of food choice.
Who are the people behind ESN? Meet them in our new Facebook series.
The ESN cofounded study on implicit emotion measurements is the most downloaded paper on Food Research International. Read the summary here.
Video interview with Prof. Riette de Kock, University of Pretoria & research chair of the European Sensory Network.
Read a summary and/or watch a video about Claire Sulmont-Rossé’s latest research on the sense of smell and taste in the elderly.
The European Sensory Network is offering a Postdoctoral Fellowship, starting in January 2016. (Application Deadline: 30th of September 2015)
The results of the ESN programme “Implicit Emotion Measurement & Food Choice” will be published in Food Research International.
From now on, the ESN website will also host videos about new findings, theories & publications. The format starts with an interview with Ep Köster.
ESN members Matis and VTT are now collaborating in the EnRichMar project. Their aim: to increase the value of convenience food by adding ingredients from marine based materials.
Lukas Danner from the ESN member BOKU investigated two methods to measure unconscious reactions in consumers.
Campden BRI was asked to produce a gluten-free beer that is suitable for coeliacs using a novel raw material, the African grain Teff.
ESN offers a public seminar on sensory & consumer science in Budapest on the 8th of October 2014.
Three ESN members, Campden BRI (GB), Campden BRI (HU) and BOKU (Austria) are participating in the EU Salux project, a programme to reduce fat, salt and sugar consumption.
With the government’s diet and health spotlight now firmly focused on sugar, Campden BRI’s seminar, Sugar reduction: challenges and opportunities will provide ...
"Fascinating, challenging and especially smart”: haystack's Car Clinics 3.0 is rewarded by ESOMAR as the industry's best in demonstrating the tangible impact of market research.
ESN member Campden BRI is offering a new and exciting seminar: Creating a new sensation: consumer engagement in the health and wellness food and beverage sectoris (10th October 2014).
Campden BRI is pleased to announce that it has extended its accreditation by UKAS to cover DNA-based meat species authenticity testing.
Earn an Applied Sensory and Consumer Science Certificate online at UCDavis.
Nofima offers a free software package for analyzing typical data from consumer studies.