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How European Consumers Define the Concept of Traditional Food: Evidence From a Survey in Six Countries

Vanhonacker F, Verbeke W, Guerrero L, Claret A, Conte M, Scalvedi L, Zakowska-Biemans S, Gutkowska K, Sulmont-Rosse C, Raude J, Granli BS, Hersleth M (2010) (Agribusiness) Volume 26, 453-476.

I test di estensibilità dell’impasto su piccola scala per la previsione della qualità del pane (Micro-scale extension test of wheat flour dough for the prediction of bread quality.

Paoletti F, Nardo N, Moneta E, Peparaio M, Sinesio F, Comendador F J (2005) (Tecnica Molitoria) Volume 2005 (Issue 12), 1300-1307.

I test di percezione sensoriale ai sapori fondamentali. Primi risultati nei soggetti obesi. (Sensory perception of basic tastes in obese subjects: preliminary results)

Cairella M, Cairella G, Godi R, Gagliardi G, Laurita C, Oliva D, Santoanastaso A T, Sinesio F, Quaglia G B (1995) (La Clinica Dietologica) Volume 22 (Issue 1-2), 35-45.

Identification of chemicals, possibly originating from misuse of refillable PET bottles, responsible for consumer complaints about off-odours in water and soft drinks.

Widén, H, Leufven, A, Nielsen, T (2005) (Food Additives and Contaminants) Volume 22 (Issue 7), 681-692.

Identifying objective characteristics that predict clusters produced by sensory attributes in cooked rice

Rousset S, Pons B, Martin J F (1999) (Journal Texture Studies) Volume 30, 509-532.

Identity and overall acceptance of two types of sour rye bread

Heiniö R-L, Urala N, Vainionpää J, Poutanen K, Tuorila H (1997) (International Journal of Food Science and Technology) Volume 32, 169-178.

Images et croyances des consommateurs sur deux aliments : la viande de boeuf, la cervelle d’agneau. (Images and beliefs of consumers for beef and lamb’s brain.)

Manoury S, Touraille C (1996) (Viandes et Produits Carnés) Volume 17, 353-355.

Impact of the information provided to consumers on their willingness to pay for Champagne: comparison with hedonic scores.

Lange C, Martin C, Chabanet C, Combris P, Issanchou S (2002) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 13, 597-608.

Implicit learning and implicit memory for odors: The influence of odor identification and retention time

Degel J, Piper D, Köster EP (2001) (Chemical Senses) Volume 26, 267-280.

Implicit learning: a basis for food expectations

Mojet J, Köster EP (2002) (Appetite) Volume 38, 110-117.

Impression formation of functional food consumers.

Saher M, Arvola A, Lindeman M, Lähteenmäki L (2004) (Appetite) Volume 42, 79-89.

Improvement of the postharvest quality of strawberries

Mokkila M, Randell K, Sariola J, Hägg M, Häkkinen U (1997) (Acta Horticulturae) Volume 439, 553-557.

Incidence de la congélation sur les propriétés sensorielles de la viande. (Influence of freezing on sensory properties of meat.)

Touraille C, Liu L (1991) (Viandes et Produits Carnés) Volume 12, 35-39.

Incidence des caractéristiques musculaires sur les qualités organoleptiques des viandes. (Influence of muscle characteristics on meat quality.)

Touraille C (1994) (Première Rencontre Recherche Ruminants) Volume 1, 169-176.

Incidental learning and memory for three basic tastes in food

Köster MA, Prescott J, Köster EP (2004) (Chemical Senses) Volume 29, 441-453.

Individuality of understanding and assessment of sensory attributes od foods, in particular tenderness of meat

Brown W, Langley K R, Mioche L, Sue M, Gérault S, Braxton D (1996) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 7, 205-216.

Individuality of understanding and assessment of sensory attributes of foods, in particular tenderness of meat

Brown W, Langley K R, Mioche L, Sue M, Gérault S, Braxton D (1996) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 7, 205-216.

Influence d’un jugement de texture sur le profil de mastication. (Influence of a texture judgement on mastication.)

Mioche L, Martin J F (1996) (Viandes et Produits Carnés) Volume 17, 356-358.

Influence du mode de préparation sur les caractéristiques sensorielles et le taux de fonte du foie gras d’oie. (Influence of preparation on sensory characteristics and the weight loss of foie gras)

Rousset S, Bayle M C, Touraille C (1995) (Sciences des Aliments) Volume 15, 151-165.

Influence of age and dental status onchewing behaviour studied by EMG recordings during consumption of variousfood samples

Kohyama K, Mioche L, Bourdiol P (2003) (Gerodontology) Volume 20 (Issue 1), 15-23.

Influence of CaCl2 and NaCl injections on the texture and flavour of beef

Rousset-Akrim S, Got F, Bayle M C, Culioli J (1996) (International Journal of Food Science and Technology) Volume 31, 333-343.

Influence of chicory roots (Cichorium intybus L) on boar taint in entire male and female pigs

Hansen, L L, Mejer H, Thamsborg S M, Byrne D V, Roepstorff A, Karlsson A H, Hansen-Møller J, Jensen M T, Tuomola M (2006) (Animal Science) Volume 82, 1-11.

Influence of different irrigation strategies in a traditional Cornicabra cv. olive orchard on virgin olive oil composition and quality

Gómez-Rico AM, Salvador D, Alfonso Moriana, Pérez D, Olmedilla N, Ribas F, Fregapane G (2007) (Food Chemistry) Volume 100 (Issue 2), 568–578.

Influence of durum wheat cultivar on the sensory profile of the staling rate of “Altamura” bread

Raffo A, Pasqualone A, Sinesio F, Paoletti F, Quaglia G, Simenone R (2003) (European Food Research Technology) Volume 218, 49-55.

Influence of feeding different types of roughage on the oxidative stability of milk

Havemose M S, Weisbjerg M R, Bredie W L P, Nielsen J H (2004) (International Dairy Journal) Volume 14, 563-570.

Influence of label and location of testing on acceptability of cream cheese varying in fat content

Daillant-Spinnler B, Issanchou S (1995) (Appetite) Volume 24, 101-106.

Influence of oat ß-glucan preparations on the perception of mouthfeel and on rheological properties in beverage prototypes

Lyly M, Salmenkallio-Marttila M, Suortti T, Autio K, Poutanen K, Lähteenmäki L (2003) (Cereal Chemistry) Volume 80, 536-541.

Influence of oxygen concentration on the flavour and chemical stability of cream powder

Andersson K, Lingnert H (1998) (Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie) Volume 31, 245-251 .

Influence of packaging material and storage temperature on the sensiry quality of broccoli

Jacobsson A, Nielsen T, Sjöholm I, Wendin K (2003) (Food Quality and Preference).

Influence of packaging material and storage temperature on the sensory quality of broccoli

Jacobsson A, Nielsen T, Sjöholm I, Wendin K (2004) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 15 (Issue 4), 301-310.

Influence of pig crossbreed on the composition, volatile compound content and flavour of dry cured ham

Berdagué J L, Bonnaud N, Rousset S, Touraille C (1993) (Meat Science) Volume 34, 119-129.

Influence of sugar and fat contents on preference for cream cheese. A preliminary study

Daillant B, Issanchou S (1993) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 4, 133-139.

Influence of temperature, modified atmosphere packaging, and heat treatment on aroma compounds in broccoli

Jacobsson A, Nielsen T, Sjoholm I (2004) (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry) Volume 52 (Issue 6), 1607-1614.

Influence of the degree of lipid insaturation on sensory properties of minced meat products

Touraille C Girard JP (1989) (Reproduction Nutritional Développement) Volume 29, 380-381.

Influence of the microstructure on the sensory quality of whey protein gels

Langton M, Åström A, Hermansson A-M (1997) (Food Hydrocolloids) Volume 11, 217-230.

Influence of uniaxial compression rate on rheological parameters and sensory texture prediction of cooked potatoes

Thybo A K, Nielsen M, Martens M (2000) (Journal of Texture Studies) Volume 31, 25-40.

Influences of fat, thickener and emulsifier contents on salad dressing: static and dynamic sensory and rheological analysis

Wendin K, Hall G (2001) (Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft+Technologie) Volume 34, 222-233 .

Inhibition of growth of nonproteolytic Clostridium Botulinum type B in sous vide cooked meat products is achieved by using thermal procecessing but not nisin

Lindström M, Mokkila M, Skyttä E, Hyytiä-Trees E, Lähteenmäki L, Hielm S, Ahvenainen R, Korkeala H (2001) (Journal of Food Proctection) Volume 64, 838-844.

Integrating consumer needs into product quality using a quality function deployment (QFD)approach : a literature review

CCFRA (2001) (CCFRA Review) Volume 29.

Integrating Sensory and Consumer Information for Developing Food Quality Specifications

McEwan JA, Dixon J K, Ducher C (1998) (CCFRA R&D Report) Volume 66.

Integrating sensory and consumer information for developing food quality specifications

CCFRA (1998) (R&D Report) Volume 66.

Interaction between bread and butter with varying NaCl contents: Hedonic responses and sensory characteristics

Hellemann U, Barylko-Pikielna N, Matuszewska I (1990) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 2, 167-176.

Interactions between aroma compounds and latex films: Partition coefficients and influence on latex film formation.

Nestorson A, Leufvén A, Järnström L (2006) (Packaging Technology and Science) Volume 19, 71-82.

Interactions between oral burn, meat flavor and texture in chili spiced pork patties evaluated by time-intensity

Reinbach H C, Meinert L, Ballabio D, Aaslyng M D, Bredie W L P, Olsen K, Møller P (2007) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 18, 909-919.

Intérêt du chlorure de calcium sur l’accélération de la maturation et la tendreté de la viande bovine. (Effect of calcium chloride in accelerating maturation and on tenderness of beef.)

Berge P, Vignon X, Rousset-Akrim S, Culioli J (1996) (Viandes et Produits Carnés) Volume 17, 101-107.

Intérêt du lactate de calcium sur la tendreté et la flaveur de la viande bovine. Effect of calcium lactate on tenderness and flavour beef.)

Got F, Rousset-Akrim S, Bayle M C, Culioli J (1996) (Viandes et Produits Carnés) Volume 17, 328-330.

Internal and external determinants of eating initiation in humans

Marcelino AS, Adam AS, Couronne T, Köster EP, Sieffermann JM (2001) (Appetite) Volume 36, 19 – 14.

Internal quality of fresh and cold stored celery petioles described by sensory profile, chemical and instrumental measurements

Raffo A, Sinesio F, Moneta E, Nardo N, Peparaio M & Paoletti F (2006) (Eur. Food Res. Technol. ) Volume 222, 590-599.

International comparison of odor threshold values of several odorants in Japan and in the Netherlands

Hoshika Y, Imamura T, Muto G, Gemert L J van, Don J A, Walpot J I (1993) (Environmental Research) Volume 61, 78-83.

Intervento di educazione alimentare e del gusto per incrementare l’assunzione di ortaggi, legumi, e frutta nei bambini (Testing a nutritional and taste education intervention approach to increase vegetables and fruit consumption among children

D’Addesa D, Martone D, Sinesio F, Marzi V, Comendador FJ, Peparaio M, Cairella G, Panetta V, Sette S (2008) (Annali di Igiene) Volume 20 (Issue 2), 159-169.
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