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Consumer attitudes towards functional foods

Lähteenmäki L, Lyly M, Urala N (2007) (Understanding Food Consumer (van Trijp & Frewer, eds), Woodhead Publishing Limited. Cambridge).

Smart Technologies, Chapter 12, Editors: J.P. Kerry & P. Butler. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, 211-230

O’Sullivan MG, Kerry JP (2007) (Smart Technologies, Editors: J.P. Kerry & P. Butler. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, 211-230).

Boredom and the reasons why some new products fail.

Köster E P, Mojet J (2007) (MacFie H J H (ed.): Consumer-led food product development. Abbington Cambridge UK, Woodhead Publishing, pp. 262-280).

Attitudes towards functional foods in Finland, France and Sweden

Urala N, Heymann H, Lyly M, Lähteenmäki L (2007) (Oral presentation at 7th Pangborn Symposium, 12th -16th August, Minnapolis, USA).

(Bio)technological approach to understand the bitterness of whole grain rye

Heiniö R-L, Lehtinen P, Myllymäki O, Selinheimo E, Pihlava J-M, Kaukovirta-Norja A, Poutanen K, Buchert J (2007) (7th Pangborn Sensory Science Symp. Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis, USA, 12 - 16 Aug., P305 (poster abstract)).

Sensory evaluation of different kinds of milk

Dürrschmid K, Toprak D, Garcia-Bretto L, Kneifel W (2007) (NIZO & Elsevier, 5th NIZO Dairy Conference. Prospects for Flavour Formation and Perception., 5th NIZO Dairy Conference. Prospects for Flavour Formation and Perception., 13.-15.6.2007, Papendal ).

Sensory Evaluation Techniques

Meilgaard M, Civille G V, Carr B T (2007) (4th edition. Eds. Taylor & Francis Group).

Structure of Whole Grain Breads: Sensory Perception and Health Effects

Autio K, Liukkonen K-H, Mykkänen H, Katina I, Roininen K, Poutanen K (2007) (In Marquart L, Jacobs D R Jr, McIntosh G H, Poutanen K, Reicks M (Eds.), Whole Grains and Health: Part III: Grain Technology and Health-related Outcomes (pp. 115-122), New York: Blackwell Publishing).

Theories of food choice development

Köster E P, Mojet J (2007) (Frewer L and Van Trijp H C M, (eds.): Understanding consumers of food products, Abbington Cambridge UK, Woodhead Publishing, 93-124).

Modulation von Geschmackswahrnehmungen

Dürrschmid K (2007) (Busch-Stockfisch, M. (Hrsg.), Praxishandbuch der Sensorik in der Produktentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung 1, 6.1-6.57; Behr's Verlag, Hamburg; ISBN 3-86022-958-3 ).

Feedback calibration: A training method for descriptive panels

Chris J. Findlay, John C. Castura, Isabelle Lesschaeve (2007) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 18, 321 - 328. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2006.02.007

An alternative to external preference mapping based on consumer perceptive mapping

Faye P, Brémaud D, Teillet E, Courcoux P, Giboreau A, Nicod H (2006) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 17, 604-614.

Application of an electronic nose for measurements of boar taint in entire male pigs

Vestergaard J S, Haugen J-E, Byrne D V (2006) (Meat Science) Volume 74, 564-577.

Application of ITU-T P.862, ITU-T P.862.1 and ITU-T P.862.2

Kurittu A, Salmela J, Kirla O, Lakaniemi A, Mattila VV, Zacharov N (2006) (Journal of the Audio Engineering Society) Volume 54 (Issue 12).

Beer identity in Denmark

Mejlholm O, Martens M (2006) (Food Quality & Preference) Volume 17, 108-115.

Buyers’ demand for ready meals – influenced by gender and who will eat them

Ahlgren M K, Gustafsson I-B, Hall, G (2006) (Journal of Foodservice) Volume 17, 205-211.

Comparison of descriptive sensory analysis and chemical analysis for oxidative changes in milk

Hedegaard R V, Kristensen D, Nielsen H J, Frøst M B, Østdal H, Hermansen J E, Kröger-Ohlsen M, Skibsted L H (2006) (Journal of Dairy Science) Volume 89, 495-504.

Consumers approach to eating healthily: key drivers, barriers and other factors affecting food choice

Thomas S (2006) (CCFRA Review) Volume 50.

Das essentielle Lebensmittel Wasser

Dürrschmid K (2006) (Mitteilungen des internationalen Arbeitskreises für die Kulturforschung des Essens (IAKE)) Volume 13, 2-11; 1437-5222.

Effects of a compensatory growth strategy on sensory and physical properties of meat from young bulls

Hansen S, Therkildse M, Byrne D V (2006) (Meat Science) Volume 74, 628-643.

Exploring consumers’ perceptions of local food with two different qualitative techniques: laddering and word association

Roininen, K, Arvola, A and Lähteenmäki, L (2006) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 17, 20-30.

Flavour Science: Recent Advances and Trends

Bredie W L P, Petersen M A (eds.) (2006) (Elsevier Food Science series) Volume 43, 637.

Influence of chicory roots (Cichorium intybus L) on boar taint in entire male and female pigs

Hansen, L L, Mejer H, Thamsborg S M, Byrne D V, Roepstorff A, Karlsson A H, Hansen-Møller J, Jensen M T, Tuomola M (2006) (Animal Science) Volume 82, 1-11.

Interactions between aroma compounds and latex films: Partition coefficients and influence on latex film formation.

Nestorson A, Leufvén A, Järnström L (2006) (Packaging Technology and Science) Volume 19, 71-82.

Internal quality of fresh and cold stored celery petioles described by sensory profile, chemical and instrumental measurements

Raffo A, Sinesio F, Moneta E, Nardo N, Peparaio M & Paoletti F (2006) (Eur. Food Res. Technol. ) Volume 222, 590-599.

Issues in children's food choices: methods for sensory and consumer research

Gilbert CC, Durow AC (2006) (CCFRA Review) Volume 53.

Liking and exposure: First, second and tenth time around

Frøst M B (2006) (Physiology & Behavior) Volume 89, 47-52.

Memory for food and food expectations: A special case?

Köster E P (2006) (Quality and Preference) Volume 17, 650-652.

Memory of sweetness and fatty flavours: Effects of gender and liking

Møller P, Hausner H (2006) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 17, 653-654.

Oxidative stability of milk influenced by fatty acids, antioxidants, and copper derived from feed

Havemose M S, Weisbjerg M R, Bredie W L P, Poulsen H D, Nielsen J H (2006) (Journal of Dairy Science) Volume 89, 1970-1980.

Perceived stimulus complexity and food preference

Lévy C M, MacRae A W, Köster E P (2006) (Acta Psychologica) Volume 123, 394-413.

Perception of convenience food by older people living in Warsaw (on the example of vegetable soups).

Kozłowska K, Szczecińska A, Roszkowski W, Brzozowska A, Saba A, Raats M, Lumbers M, Food in Later Life Project Team (2006) (Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences) Volume 15/56 (Issue 2), 227–233.

Quality control of meal components by appearance-bases novelty detection

Munkevik, P, Hall, G, Duckett, T (2006) (Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles) Volume 123 (Issue 3), 11-15.

Sensory and rheological characterization of low-fat stirred yogurt

Janhøj T, Petersen C B, Frøst M B, Ipsen R (2006) (Journal of Texture Studies) Volume 37, 276-299.

Volatiles composition and flavour profile identity of smoke flavouring

Kostyra E, Baryłko-Pikielna N (2006) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 17, 85-95.

Workshop summary: Cross-cultural sensory and consumer studies

Åström, A, Goldman, A & Heiniö, R-L (2006) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 17, 646-649.

Workshop summary: The role of memory in food choice and liking

Dijksterhuis G, Mojet J, Köster E, Møller P, Hausner H, Issanschou S, Sulmont-Rossé C, Zandstra E H (2006) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 17, 650-657.

Optimisation of sourdough process for improved sensory profile and texture of on wheat bread

Katina, K, Heiniö, R-L, Autio, K and Poutanen, K (2006) (LWT) Volume 39, 1189-1202.

Influence of added carbohydrates on the aroma profile of cooked pork

Lauridsen L, Miklos R, Schaefer A, Aaslyng M D, Bredie W L P (2006) (Flavour science: recent advances and trends, Bredie W L P, Petersen M A (eds.), Developments in Food Science Series 43, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 355-358).

Human olfactory self-adaptation for structurally-related monoterpenes

Ovejero-López I, van den Berg F, Bredie W L P (2006) (Flavour science: recent advances and trends, Bredie W L P, Petersen M A (eds.), Developments in Food Science Series 43, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 33-36).

Functional Pasta Barley-Based: Weighting Flavour and Textural Properties on Consumer Acceptance

Sinesio F, Moneta E, Nardo N, Paoletti F, Peparaio M, and Comendador F J (2006) (In Proceeding of the Second European Conference on Sensory Consumer Science of Food and Beverages “A sense of diversity”. 26-29 September 2006 The Hague, The Netherlands. p.7).

Flavour and texture qualities of a Sicilian sweet cherry ecotype: cv. “Mastrantonio”.

Comendador F J, Moneta E, Nardo N, Paoletti F, Peparaio M, Raffo A, Sanfilippo M and Sinesio F (2006) (In Proceeding of the Second European Conference on Sensory Consumer Science of Food and Beverages “A sense of diversity”. 26-29 September 2006 The Hague, The Netherlands. p. 135).

Challenges in determining the panel proficiency in descriptive profiling

Gilbert C, Heiniö R-L, Barylko-Pikielna N, Sinesio F, Hegyi A, Rødbotten M, Sanchez M, Henneberg S, Allchurch E-M (2006) (Second European Conference on Sensory Consumer Science of Food and Beverages - A Sense of Diversity. The Hague, The Netherlands, 26-29 September, P13).

A study of sensory profiling performance comparing various sensory laboratories - a data analytical approach

Bitnes J, Lea P, Martens M (2006) (Flavour science: Recent advances and trends. Bredie W L P, Petersen M A (eds), Amsterdam, Elsevier, 509-512).

Methods for artificial perception: can machine replace man?

Bredie W L P, Lindinger C, Hall G, Hansen A-M, Reinders G, Martens M (2006) (Flavour science: recent advances and trends, Bredie, W.L.P. and Petersen, M.A. (eds.), Developments in Food Science Series 43, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 617-618).

Modification of bread crust flavour with enzymes and flavour precursors

Bredie W L P, Dybdal L, Boesveld M, Martens M (2006) (Flavour science: recent advances and trends, Bredie W L P, Petersen M A (eds.), Developments in Food Science Series 43, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 225-228).

Nutrition Intervention to promote higher fruit, vegetable and legume consumption among schoolchildren

D’Addesa D, Marzi V, Sinesio F, Martone D, Comendador F J, Peparaio M, Moneta E, Cairella G, Sonni L, Panetta V, Sette S (2006) (In Proceeding of the 16th Workshop of the European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) Rzeszów, Poland 1-3 June 2006. International Journal of Obesity 2006, 30, S5-S6).

What are the reason of obesity? A quantitative survey among obese people

Kuti T, Hegyi A, Horváth E, Jámbor Z (2006) (Sense of Diversity, 2nd European Conference on Sensory Consumer Science of Food and Beverages, 26-29 September 2006. The Hauge, The Netherlands, p. 43 ).

Lebensmittelqualität im Spannungsfeld zwischen Konsumentenerwartungen und Lebensmittelsicherheit

Kneifel W, Dürrschmid K (2006) (ISBN 978-3-200-00866-3; Potenziale zeitgemäßer Qualitätsforschung. Utl: Von der Methode zum Ganzen. Jezik Karoline, Johannes Balas (Hrsg): pp 57-59).

Perceptual Audio Evaluation - Theory, Method and Application

Bech S, Zacharov N (2006) (John Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 0-470-86923-2 ).
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