Recent publications:

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Sensory and instrumental analysis of longitudinal and transverse textural variation in pork Longissimus dorsi

Hansen S, Hansen T, Aaslyng M D, Byrne D V (2004) (Meat Science) Volume 68, 612-629.

Sensory characteristics of cold-smoked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from European market and relationships with chemical, physical and microbiological measurements

Cardinal M, Gunnlaugsdottir H, Bjoernevik M, Ouisse A, Vallet JL, Leroi F (2004) (Food Research International) Volume 37 (Issue 2), 181-193.

The antioxidative activity of plant extract in cooked pork patties as evaluated by descriptive sensory profiling and chemical analysis

Nissen L R, Byrne D V, Bertelsen G, Skibsted L H (2004) (Meat Science) Volume 68, 485-495.

The lactic acid bacteria, the food chain and their regulation

Wessels S, Axelsson L, Bech Hansen E, de Vuyst L, Laulund S, Lähteenmäki L, Lindgren S, Mollet B, Salminen S, von Wright A (2004) (Trends in Food Science and Technology) Volume 15, 498-505.

The Perception of Risk associated with food related hazards and perceived reliability of sources of information

Rosati S, Saba A (2004) (International Journal of Science and Technology) Volume 39, 1-10.

The role of alfa-amylase in oral texture perception

de Wijk RA, Prinz JF, Engelen L, Weenen H (2004) (Physiology and Behavior) Volume 83, 81-91.

Untersuchungen an Textur, Struktur und sensorisch Untersuchungen an Textur, Struktur und sensorischen Merkmalen von Weizen-Roggen-Mischbroten / Investigations on textural, structural and sensory properties of wheat-rye bread

Dürrschmid K, Schleining G, Rudy AP (2004) (ernährung / nutrition) Volume 28 (Issue 11), 447-459 .

Welfare Aspects of The Castration of Piglets. Report - Annex to the Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare on a request from the Commission related to welfare aspects of the castration of piglets

Gunn M, Allen P, Bonneau M, Byrne D V, Cinotti S, Fredriksen B, Hansen L L, Karlsson A H, Giersing Linder M, Lundstrom K, Morton D B, Prunier A, Squires E J, Tuyttens F, Calvo A V, Borell E H v, Wood J (2004) (The EFSA Journal) Volume 91, 1-18.

Workshop summary: How do age-related changes in sensory physiology influence food liking and food intake?

Delahunty C, Issanchou S, Mojet J, Köster EP, Hoyer S (2004) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 15, 907-911.

Increasing oat stability through germination and drying

Heiniö RL, Lehtinen P, Oksman-Caldentey KM, Poutanen K (2004) (Proc. 7th International Oat Conference Helsinki, Finland, 2004. Peltonen-Sainio, P. & Topi-Hulmi, M. (Eds.). Jokioinen: MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Agrifood Research Reports: 51

Impact of variety on the chemical and sensory properties of virgin olive oil

Moneta E., Sinesio F, Panfili G, Fratianni A, Cinquanta L, Esti M (2004) (European Conference on Sensory Science of Food and Beverages “A sense of Identity”, 26-29 Settembre 2004, Firenze, Italy.).



Establishment of the reliability of sensory evaluation methods

Hegyi A, Kuti T (2004) (HAS, Chemical Science Department, Meeting of Committee of Food Analytics, 17. Jun. 2004, Budapest, Hungary).

Dynamics of bitterness and pungency in virgin olive oils

Sinesio F, Moneta E, Peparaio M, Esti M (2004) (European Conference on Sensory Science of Food and Beverages “A Sense of Identity”, 26-29 Settembre 2004, Firenze, Italy.).

Deskriptive Sensorische Analyse von Orangensäften.

Dürrschmid K, Gamper G, Zenz H (2004) (Flüssiges Obst, 7, 408-413; ISSN 0015-4539).

Defining sensory quality of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Mozzarella di bufala cheese: methodological aspects

Sinesio F, Moneta E, Peparaio M, Comendador FJ (2004) (Proceeding of the European Conference on Sensory Science of Food and Beverages “A Sense of Identity”, 26-29 Settembre 2004, Firenze, Italy).

Affective and analytical evaluation of subtle differences in milk

Frandsen L W (2004) (PhD Thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Centre for Advanced Food Studies, Department of Food Science).

Organoleptic characterisation of celery (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce)

Raffo A, Nardo N, Sinesio F, Moneta E, Comendador FJ, Peparaio M, Bertone A, Paoletti F (2004) (Proceeding of the European Conference on Sensory Science of Food and Beverages “A Sense of Identity”, 26-29 Settembre 2004, Firenze, Italy).

Perception and incidental memory in three “lower” senses

Köster E P (2004) (Oliveira A M, Teixeira M, Borges G F and Ferro M J (Eds.) Fechner Day 2004, pp.102-107, International Society for Psychophysics, Coimbra, Portugal).

Phenolic compounds, bitterness and pungent perceptions in Extra Virgin Olive Oils during storage

Esti M., Moneta E, Panfili G, Fratianni A, Cinquanta L, Sinesio F (2004) (Proceeding of XXII International Conference on Polyphenols, 25-28 August 2004, Helsinki, Finland. p. 183-184).

Procrustes problems

Gower J.C, Dijksterhuis GB (2004) (Oxford Statistical Science Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Shelf life of Hungarian sliced pepper

Baár Cs, Hegyi A, Kuti T (2004) (A Sense of identity, European Conference on Sensory Science of Food and Beverages, 26-29. Sept. 2004, Florence, Italy, p.55).

The role of oral processing in flavor perception

Prinz JF, de Wijk RA (2004) (Roberts D, Taylor A (Eds) Flavour perceptio. Blackwell, London).

The validation of sensory benchmarking analysis

Hegyi A, Kuti T (2004) (2nd Central European Congress on Food, 26-28. Apr. 2004., Budapest, Hungary, P-S-22).

Enzyme-aided modification of perceived flavour and texture of microwave-heated beefburgers. COST Action 921 Food matrices: Structural organisation and impact on flavour release and perception

Heiniö R-L, Mustranta A, Lille M, Lantto R, Katina K, Lähteenmäki L (2004) (Proceedings of the meetings held in Valencia, Spain, October 2004 and Dijon, France, April 2005. Pittia P & Cayot N (Eds), ISBN 92-898-0024-0, Pp.97-101).

Heiniö, R-L, Mustranta, A, Lille, M, Lantto, R, Katina, K & Lähteenmäki, L

Enzyme-aided modification of perceived flavour and texture of microwave-heated beefburgers. COST Action 921 Food matrices: Structural organisation and impact on flavour release and perception (2004) (Proceedings of the meetings held in Valencia, Spain, October and Dijon, France, April, Pittia, P. & Cayot, N. (Eds). ISBN 92-898-0024-0. Pp.97-101).

Relation between flavour components and bioactive phenolic compounds in rye grain. COST Action 921 Food matrices: Structural organisation and impact on flavour release and perception

Heiniö, R-L, Liukkonen, K-H, Myllymäki, O, Pihlava J-M, Adlercreutz, H, Heinonen, S-M, Poutanen, K (2004) (Proceedings of the meetings held in Valencia, Spain, October 2004 and Dijon, France, April 2005. Pittia, P. & Cayot, N. (Eds). ISBN 92-898-0024-0. Pp.93-96).

Evaluation of pork colour

M.G O'Sullivan, D.V Byrne, M Martens (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 63, 119 - 129. doi:10.1016/S0309-1740(02)00065-7

A comparison of the effects of added saliva, a-amylase and water on texture perception in semi-solids

Engelen L, de Wijk RA, Prinz JF, Janssen AM, van der Bilt A, Weenen H, Bosman F (2003) (Physiology and Behavior) Volume 78, 805-811.

A comparison of warmed-over flavour in pork by sensory analysis, GC/MS and the electronic nose

O’Sullivan M G, Byrne D V, Jensen M T, Andersen H J, Vestergaard J (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 65, 211-224.

Analysis of Sensory Data of Different Food Products by ANOVA

Kuti T, Hegyi T, Kemény S (2003) (Conferentia Chemometrica), 47.

Applied genomics: an innovative tool to improve quality in chains (Predicting mealiness in apples - a case study)

Wordragen MF van, Balk PA, Hall RD, Nijenhuis MA, Busink H, Vorst OFJ, AAM Poelman (2003) (Acta Horticulturae) Volume 604, 387-394.

Attitudes of older EU adults to diet, food and health: a pan-EU survey

Allen D, Newsholme HC (2003) (R&D Report) Volume 174.

Attitudes towards organic foods and risk/benefit perception associated with pesticides

Saba A, Messina F (2003) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 14 (Issue 8), 637-645.

Caractéristiques de la mémoire des aliments :conséquences sur la perception des aliments (Characteristics of memory for foods: Consequences for food perception)

Sulmont-Rossé C, Issanchou S, Köster EP (2003) (Psychologie Française) Volume 48 (Issue 4), 9-21.

Chemical composition, functional properties and sensory profiling of einkorn (Triticum monococcum L.)

Løje H, Møller B, Laustsen A M, Hansen Å (2003) (Journal of Cereal Science) Volume 37, 231-240.

Chewing behaviour and bolus formation during mastication of meat with different textures

MIOCHE L, BOURDIOL P, MONIER S (2003) (Arch Oral Biol 48) Volume 48, 193-200.

Consumer and sensory investigation in relation to physical/chemical aspects of cooked pork in Scandinavia

Bryhni E A, Byrne, D V, Rødbotten M, Møller S, Claudi-Magnussen C, Karlsson A, Agerhem H, Johansson M, Martens M (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 65 (Issue 2), 737-748.

Consumer perceptions : Pork and pig production. insights from France, England, Sweden and Denmark

Ngapo T M, Martin J F, Dransfield E, Nute G R, Magnusson M, Bredahl L (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 66, 125-134.

Consumer perceptions: pork and pig production

Ngapo TN, Dransfield E, Martin J-F, Magnusson M, Bredhal L, Nute GR (2003) Volume 66, 125-134.

Daily protein intakes and eating patterns in young and elderly French

Rousset S, Patureau Mirand P, Brandolini M, Martin J-F, Boirie Y (2003) (British Journal of Nutrition) Volume 90 (Issue 6), 1107-1115.

Descriptive sensory profiling and physical/chemical analyses of warmed over flavour in meat patties, in carriers and non carriers of the RN allele

Byrne D V, O’Sullivan M G, Bredie W L P, Martens M (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 63, 211-224.

Development of the ETOC: A European test of olfactory capabilities

Thomas-Daguin T, Rouby C, Sicard G, Viguouroux M, Farget V, Johansson A, Bengtzon A, Hall G, Ormel W, De Graaf C, Rousseau F, Dumont J-P (2003) (Rhinology) Volume 41, 142-151.

Differential human electrodermal responses to odours

Møller P, Dijksterhuis G (2003) (Neuroscience Letters) Volume 346, 129-132.

Drought effects on green pea texture and related physical- chemical properties at comparable maturity

Sørensen J N, Edelenbos M, Wienberg L (2003) (Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science) Volume 128, 128-135.

Effect of sensory perception of foods on appetite and food intake: a review of studies on humans

Sørensen L B, Møller P, Flint A, Martens M, Raben A (2003) (International Journal of Obesity) Volume 27, 1152-1166.

Effect of sodium citrate, carboxymethyl cellulose and carrageenan levels on quality of low-salt and low-fat bologna type sausages

Ruusunen M, Vainionpää J, Puolanne E, Lyly M, Lähteenmäki L, Niemistö M, Ahvenainen R (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 64, 371-381.

Effects pf Sorghum Cultivar on Innjera Quality

Yetneberk S, de Kock HL, Rooney LW, Taylor JRN (2003) (Cereal Chem) Volume 81 (Issue 3), 314-321.

Evaluation of pork colour: prediction of visual sensory quality of meat from instrumental and computer vision methods of colour analysis

O`Sullivan M, Byrne D V, Martens H, Gidskehaug L H, Andersen H J, Martens M (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 65, 909-918.

Flavor release measurement by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization trap mass spectrometry, construction of interface and mathematical modeling of release profiles

Haahr A-M, Madsen H, Smedsgaard J, Bredie W L P, Stahnke L H, Refsgaard H H F (2003) (Analytical chemistry) Volume 75, 655-662.
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